Don’t be silenced by self-doubt

Young Lions Digital 2019 Winner

80% of sexual harassment cases end up being unreported. There is no one answer to what is sexual harassment. What is 'friendly banter' for some is sexual harassment. The victim is afraid to exaggerate and normally has no point of touch in this case. That causes self-doubt and it is one of the main reasons why victims end up not reporting the incidents.

Role: Lead Creative | Art Director

Victims' trail of thoughts is demonstrated in these social ads, which show how easy it is to lose confidence in your thoughts the longer you think about the incident.

 We've developed a 24/7 Whatsapp chat bot to which the victims can report the incident. 

#TimeTo WhatsApp service

A lot of sexual harassment victims question if their incident is considered sexual harassment, so we created TimeToChat, a WhatsApp service that is available 24/7 that will answer victims' questions and help to point in the right direction.


Tomorrow Unlocked


Bumble x Barbie partnership